Partner Services

Legal Advice & Representation

Our on-site legal partners, Partners (formerly Partners for Women and Justice) and Central Jersey Legal Services, are available to meet with a victim at the Family Justice Center. They provide legal assistance to survivors of domestic violence in connection with civil restraining orders, child support, visitation and custody, divorce, bankruptcy, tenant/landlord disputes, foreclosure issues, unemployment, consumer issues, and obtaining government benefits through the Division of Social Services. Immigration related cases are referred to our offsite partner American Friends Service Committee.


The YWCA Union County offers emergency shelter services to victims and their children. While in shelter, counseling, case management, advocacy and children’s services are provided. Transitional and supportive housing is also available for women and children leaving the shelter and additional support is provided for independent living.

Assistance with rent and housing is also provided through a collaborative effort among agencies. Victims are connected with on-site and offsite partners who offer financial assistance and provide subsidized housing for those who qualify. FJC staff will assist the victim in locating such resources and help them navigate through the application process.


The YWCA Union County offers a workforce development program called STEP (Skills Training and Empowerment Program). Survivors who are interested in furthering their skills, may participate at no cost in workshops, job coaching, and computer skills classes. Scholarships are available for computer and ESL classes as well as other educational opportunities.

PROCEED, Inc. offers free, weekly job fairs to the community as well as, financial self-sufficiency courses, savings programs and job training programs. Survivors that can benefit from any of these services are connected directly to their staff for an intake.

Hope Safety Empowerment